One of the greatest shortcomings of humanity is to forget - individually,collectively, historically and culturally we seem to be cursed to forget.
We have forgotten our past

The place in the present and the responsibility for the future.
On a personal level our ego-possessed consciousness is on a mission to keep us in a state of oblivion.
Collectively, humanity has deviated from its path unconsciously pursuing an inauthentic lifestyle with a materialistic mindset but we can all remember again and connect with the universe as a whole.This power is what leads us on our spiritual path to rediscover ourselves - or in a nutshell - to remember what we have forgotten or what we need to remember.
The place in Nature
In the last few centuries we have become more and more distant from nature, we exploit it, destroy it and try to control it to satisfy our greed.
We try to distance ourselves from the natural cycle of life.We have forgotten how to hear and understand the natural rhythm and cycle of the Earth - its signs and language. With the separation from nature we have forgotten that we are originally connected on a deep level with the eternal cycle of the universe and how the whole consciousness is intertwined and connected in a delicate and mysterious way.
We have forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors. In the search for scientific knowledge we have forgotten the wisdom of the heart. We have forgotten the stories and folklore handed down by the sages of antiquity, who lived in harmony with nature.
The way and the dreams
By deviating from our natural way we have forgotten how to dream about the wonderful dream called life. We have forgotten how to wake up in this dream and realize that we are its creators.
The goal
With too much chatter, noise and things that distract us we have forgotten why we are here. We have forgotten our goal. We have lost our authenticity - this inner spark that gives us the will to build our happiness and self-realization.
After believing that we are different, separated, divided from everyone and from everything we forgot to forgive, we forgot that we all move in one dynamic network called life.
Remind to self one thing every day. You are born to be free. We are born and raised in an atmosphere and environment, in a reality in which freedom is only a concept. We are in the shackles of fear, false ideologies, material rewards, and the rules of those who guard the interests of a few.
The real power
Fear is to make us forget what power we have. we have forgotten the great power of will and our ability to create and change realities.We are in a trance. We follow the instructions and it is now a time to change.
The lessons of history.
If there is one thing that history teaches it is how quickly we have forgotten the lessons we have learned. We repeat the same mistakes over and over again and we cannot be blamed individually for the mistakes of humanity but we as individuals have a responsibility to make sure they don't happen again.
Human life is becoming more complex and confused, we are blinded by the brilliance of the "more" and not by the power of the "less".
Life is really simple. To get rid of all things and ideas that have no real value and stop our eyes on our true purpose.
The Trust, Faith and humiliation of the world.
We have lost the magic and curiosity in ourselves. We have forgotten what it is like to be amazed by the miracle called life. Skepticism and cynical views have wiped the faith in ourselves and in the magic of the universe.We have forgotten how to believe- this is perhaps the greatest tragedy. It weakens the spirit and robs the soul.
Let's remember again how good it is to be human.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Stob, Bulgaria
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