Monday, June 21, 2021

"Silence is of different kinds, and it breathes different meanings"

Many of us live in a world where silence and stillness are not only absent but deliberately avoided.
The devices restrict silence and break the silence with music, ringing, social media and many other seemingly small things that do not give us rest. All the time! If we add to this the city noise, as well as everything we hear during work, the cacophony will become complete.

As we become more attached to our devices, we crave something to watch, to listen to, to be distracted when a moment of boredom comes.

These constant demands of modern life burden the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in problem solving and decision making. This leaves our resources for attention exhausted, we get mentally tired and feel less creative in general.

Even 60 minutes of complete silence allow the brain to recover almost completely
Also, a study by Imke Kirste, a regenerative biologist at Duke University, found that two hours of silence a day stimulated the development of cells in the hippocampus, the brain area involved in memory formation.
Silence is important for our overall health.

We think that if we work without interruption we will achieve the best results. However, we forget to learn from the wisdom of others before us - scientists, inventors and spiritual leaders who reached their "Eureka!" Surrounded by pure silence.

"Silence is a source of great power" - Lao Tzu

"I try to think 99 times a day and almost nothing happens. I stop thinking, I surround myself with silence and stillness, and the truth comes to me ”- Albert Einstein

Silence is golden

That is why wise people advise us to observe in silence more often, to listen and to speak less often. Since ancient times, it was believed that silence was the best remedy for various mental illnesses. According to Pythagoras, the highest state of mind is silence.

People who engage in spiritual practices (from ancient times to the present day) learn to limit speech and live as quietly as possible to find peace, clarity of thought, inner harmony, and enlightenment of the mind.Active silence is still used today in medical and psychological practice. This is based on the fact that in case of serious illness a person becomes very silent. Constant chatter makes it difficult for the body to concentrate on recovery. Silence is one of the best treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders. The fact is that when a person is very ill, he prefers to remain silent. In this way he keeps his strength and recovers.

Of course, it is difficult to remain silent when we are constantly distracted by something
It is best to go to a place where no one will bother us, to be distracted by TV or telephone. Under such conditions, man is completely immersed in himself, and the only thing he feels is nature. It is important in such moments to focus on bright and positive thoughts and feelings. Russian psychotherapist Galina Tymoshenko notes that the health of the body significantly improves after three days of silence, and a whole month spent in silence and silence can solve most of the psychological problems of modern man.

In the first hours of imposed silence, anxiety increases, the desire to speak peaks, but then comes a period of enlightenment, complete peace and tranquility.

Psychologists advise to use silence in families where there are often scandals due to trifles

Galina Tymoshenko
Active silence can be practiced, for example, on weekends, when the husband and wife agree on a time during which communication will take place only with the help of gestures and touch. Gradually, there will be complete unity and merging, which many have lost because of unnecessary and often meaningless conversations. This tool is great for all people and in all circumstances.

A few tips for shhhhh, Im healing - Silence:

1. The best time to observe a "silent fast" is from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.

2. Discuss with your loved ones your desire to remain silent so that they do not worry.

3. Stock up on what you need so you don't have to go out for groceries or medical 

4. During the silent fast there may be times when the desire to say or write something becomes unbearable, but this quickly passes.

5. Do not watch TV and do not read, dedicate the day to yourself.

6. Switch off computers ,phones, laptops.

7. Run, train, bathe, massage, sleep, meditate.

8. Anything that involves contemplation, or walks in nature, helps.

9. In case a neighbor suddenly calls you, you can prepare a note that you are silent today, or if you are uncomfortable, show that you can not speak.

10. If you suddenly forgot and said something, then you should not interrupt everything. Keep silent for the time you have planned.

Silence builds the power of persuasion

That is why it is good to practice silent fasting before an important event - an exam, a speech or negotiations. The silence for at least a day will allow the mind and nerves to rest completely. After a regular day of silence, you will begin to feel as if you have been on vacation for a week.

Silence heals
The ancient healers knew this, and now science is beginning to catch up, proving the healing power of silence. The simple but powerful experience of silent fasting may be exactly what you need most right now.

Why not try it?  

"Silence is of different kinds, and it breathers different meanings"

Stob, Bulgaria

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