Monday, June 28, 2021

The forgoten history of the old symbols - "Elbetitca" and the ancient wisdom

 The most popular and ancient motif in Bulgarian embroidery is the Elbetitca ornament that originates from the  old Elbetitca symbol of harmony and power.  Harmony in body, mind, soul and spirit. Power to use these four in the name of the Good in the World.

This is a double cross that marks the eight directions of the world and the most important solar positions - the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes and the four positions between them. These eight rays are crossed in a stable center and symbolize the cycle in nature and the world. Elbetitca is a female word also connected with the Mother Goddess and the Earth planet. ( in other cultures later in time named Pachamama) 

In essence, this ornament is one of the most ancient images of the solar calendars and exists as a symbol in almost all major ancient religions.

The element "elbetitca" has remained as a motif in the embroidery of the people who still inhabit the lands where the old Bulgarians (proto-Bulgarians) settled for a long time and created states.

Unlike modernity, in ancient times the decoration (embroidery) on clothes, towels, carpets, had not only decorative and aesthetic value and purpose. Her motifs encoded messages of harmony in the family, home and community, it contained symbols of health, fertility and prosperity.

Elbetitca has an energetic (magical) protective function and protects from diseases and bad influences (envy, shaytayan eyes, etc.) the person who wears it on his clothes.

Embroidered on face and hand towels and tablecloths (mesals), it is designed to preserve harmony, love, prosperity and the multiplication of the  family or the clan. This symbol has the same role when it is woven into the carpets or depicted on the ritual holiday breads.

Elbetitca is also depicted on votive and tombstone stone crosses, which are still found in the Bulgarian lands.

Тhe Еlbetica figure appeared in the Middle East, Anatolia and the Balkans during the Neolithic. It participates in the sign systems of the following epochs and reaches our days in the Bulgarian traditional culture as a carpet and embroidery motif, the figure has different names and its roots are mysterious. Its meaning can be defined as elem-beht - the first-eight, ie the eight directions in one, or rodjeta, and also with many other names for which scientists are looking for clarification.

There are various theories about the symbolism woven into this symbol. Generally speaking, the elbetica symbolizes harmony.

The two crosses conditionally represent the four main and the four additional directions of the world (north, south, west, east, northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast), merging into a common stable center that keeps them in sync.In the different ways of making the elbetica, four heads are arranged around a middle image, separated by four plant forms.

The original purpose of the jewelry and in particular of the metal buckles on the belts of the women's Bulgarian folk costume is similar.

They were worn as protection precisely in the places of the human body through which it was believed that unclean forces and spirits could penetrate.

These are almost the same places, called chakras by far  South Eastern people, and through which, according to them, the exchange between human and cosmic energy takes place.

This is how the idea of ​​the cycle of nature is interpreted - winter - north, summer - south, spring - east, autumn - west.

The double cross (elbetitca) was later most often embroidered on priestly clothes, placed on orders that were only for privileged rulers (ruler's rings are usually decorated with a cross, fire lilies, mosaic icon, inscription "Ex oriente lux "-" From the east is the light "). The root of the symbol is attested in the first Bulgarian kingdom tradition, where the title bagatur was found. Then the symbol was used as an embodiment of power.

The Colors

The embroideries are depicted in different colors, each of which has a certain symbolism.


Blood and war - peace and love.

It symbolizes the mother's blood and new life. Beware of lessons and spells.


Mother Earth - the new life.

An expression of eternal life and associated with the Tree of Life - a symbol of the universe.


Purity - youth, innocence.

It means purity, inviolability, youthful innocence and God's light.


The sky and the sea - perfect purity.

It depicts the sky, space and water. It embodies truth and trust, purity, serenity and contemplation. He is the color of angels.

Yellow - gold

Sun - joy and merriment.


Mother Earth - winter.

Elbetitsa is a symbol symbolizing harmony and understanding, also known as the rosette.

 Over time, it has been modified and highly stylized, significantly changing its original appearance and becoming our well-known Elbetitca, or  The double star. The rosette is associated with reverence for the sun and contains a message of health, prosperity and blessings. In the culture of the proto-Bulgarians we find the Elbetitca in the title "bagatur" as a symbol of strength and power. The name comes from the phrase elem-beht, which means the first eight, ie. the eight directions of the world.

Another magical symbol is the Kanatitca - the symbol of the family which we can look at ...the next time :) 

Monday, June 21, 2021

"Silence is of different kinds, and it breathes different meanings"

Many of us live in a world where silence and stillness are not only absent but deliberately avoided.
The devices restrict silence and break the silence with music, ringing, social media and many other seemingly small things that do not give us rest. All the time! If we add to this the city noise, as well as everything we hear during work, the cacophony will become complete.

As we become more attached to our devices, we crave something to watch, to listen to, to be distracted when a moment of boredom comes.

These constant demands of modern life burden the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in problem solving and decision making. This leaves our resources for attention exhausted, we get mentally tired and feel less creative in general.

Even 60 minutes of complete silence allow the brain to recover almost completely
Also, a study by Imke Kirste, a regenerative biologist at Duke University, found that two hours of silence a day stimulated the development of cells in the hippocampus, the brain area involved in memory formation.
Silence is important for our overall health.

We think that if we work without interruption we will achieve the best results. However, we forget to learn from the wisdom of others before us - scientists, inventors and spiritual leaders who reached their "Eureka!" Surrounded by pure silence.

"Silence is a source of great power" - Lao Tzu

"I try to think 99 times a day and almost nothing happens. I stop thinking, I surround myself with silence and stillness, and the truth comes to me ”- Albert Einstein

Silence is golden

That is why wise people advise us to observe in silence more often, to listen and to speak less often. Since ancient times, it was believed that silence was the best remedy for various mental illnesses. According to Pythagoras, the highest state of mind is silence.

People who engage in spiritual practices (from ancient times to the present day) learn to limit speech and live as quietly as possible to find peace, clarity of thought, inner harmony, and enlightenment of the mind.Active silence is still used today in medical and psychological practice. This is based on the fact that in case of serious illness a person becomes very silent. Constant chatter makes it difficult for the body to concentrate on recovery. Silence is one of the best treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders. The fact is that when a person is very ill, he prefers to remain silent. In this way he keeps his strength and recovers.

Of course, it is difficult to remain silent when we are constantly distracted by something
It is best to go to a place where no one will bother us, to be distracted by TV or telephone. Under such conditions, man is completely immersed in himself, and the only thing he feels is nature. It is important in such moments to focus on bright and positive thoughts and feelings. Russian psychotherapist Galina Tymoshenko notes that the health of the body significantly improves after three days of silence, and a whole month spent in silence and silence can solve most of the psychological problems of modern man.

In the first hours of imposed silence, anxiety increases, the desire to speak peaks, but then comes a period of enlightenment, complete peace and tranquility.

Psychologists advise to use silence in families where there are often scandals due to trifles

Galina Tymoshenko
Active silence can be practiced, for example, on weekends, when the husband and wife agree on a time during which communication will take place only with the help of gestures and touch. Gradually, there will be complete unity and merging, which many have lost because of unnecessary and often meaningless conversations. This tool is great for all people and in all circumstances.

A few tips for shhhhh, Im healing - Silence:

1. The best time to observe a "silent fast" is from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.

2. Discuss with your loved ones your desire to remain silent so that they do not worry.

3. Stock up on what you need so you don't have to go out for groceries or medical 

4. During the silent fast there may be times when the desire to say or write something becomes unbearable, but this quickly passes.

5. Do not watch TV and do not read, dedicate the day to yourself.

6. Switch off computers ,phones, laptops.

7. Run, train, bathe, massage, sleep, meditate.

8. Anything that involves contemplation, or walks in nature, helps.

9. In case a neighbor suddenly calls you, you can prepare a note that you are silent today, or if you are uncomfortable, show that you can not speak.

10. If you suddenly forgot and said something, then you should not interrupt everything. Keep silent for the time you have planned.

Silence builds the power of persuasion

That is why it is good to practice silent fasting before an important event - an exam, a speech or negotiations. The silence for at least a day will allow the mind and nerves to rest completely. After a regular day of silence, you will begin to feel as if you have been on vacation for a week.

Silence heals
The ancient healers knew this, and now science is beginning to catch up, proving the healing power of silence. The simple but powerful experience of silent fasting may be exactly what you need most right now.

Why not try it?  

"Silence is of different kinds, and it breathers different meanings"

Stob, Bulgaria

Monday, June 14, 2021

Love - the alchemical stone of the pillars of Life

 Gratitude gives a person the strength to endure all adversity in life, no matter how great it is:

 When we are grateful, with gratitude we cover our shortcomings, adversity and bear them more easily.

The law of  the Good is as follows: 

If you give thanks for the little Good, the great Good will come; if you give thanks for the great Good, even greater will come.

The law of evil is the opposite:

If you give thanks for the little evil, less evil comes; if you do not give thanks for the little evil, greater evil will come.

When you give thanks for the Good, it grows. When you thank  the suffering, it goes away.

When you do not give thanks for the Good, it goes away. When you do not give thanks for suffering, it stays and grows. These are the four laws of Nature.

Be happy with the little one. If you have a grain of wheat or a matchstick, be happy with them too. One grain of wheat can produce 30, 60 or 100 grains.With a match you can light a large fire to warm yourself and cook food for many people. - What to do with a grain of wheat? "Sow it in the ground." - What to do with a match? "Light a fire."

Whoever thinks correctly, puts the stick where the fire is easily ignited. 

To help the burning, he blows. Thus it brings in more air and intensifies the combustion. Blowing fire implies directing the thought where something valuable can be acquired.

If you are unhappy with yourself, can you expect other people to be happy with you?You are dissatisfied with yourself - you cooked a bad meal. If you are unhappy with your eating, other people will not be happy either. The measure of things is man himself.

Who is happy with his thoughts, and his loved ones will be happy. Whoever is not happy with himself, the whole world to convince him that he is a genius, he will not agree with them.

All people are geniuses, but mainly in one respect - in their mistakes.

Everyone is a genius when he breaks and spoils things. Who hasn't broken a plate? Everyone is a genius at this. However, when it is said to make a new plate, the one was not a genius. It is time for people to start working consciously, to show their genius.

Three things are necessary for a person: right thought, right feelings and right speech. Once he acquires these things, he becomes happy.

Therefore, one who wants to be happy must first learn to speak well, then to think and feel right.

Right thought strengthens memory, strengthens health. The same is achieved with the right feelings and the right speech.No one can be happy if his thoughts, feelings and speech are not right.

Right thought, right feeling and right speech are a science that is achieved through hard work.

It will be studied for centuries and millennia, and something unscientific will remain.

As pleasant as it is to eat, so pleasant it is to study the science of right thought, right feeling, and right speech.

What is the task of the  modern man (understand human)? 

The task of each person is to create a head that is a good conductor of light; to create a heart that is a good conductor of warmth; to create a body that will be a good conductor of the good forces in the nature.

Everyone needs a bright mind, a warm heart and a healthy body.

In order to be "born again" or  "renew" the self , one must do everything with Love.

 "Why?" - Because only Love straightens things.

When you love, you know how to act. Whatever you give, you will give with Love. If you bear fruit, you will give the best you have.

If you say a thought, it will be the best you have. If you give a feeling, it will be the best. Who will not thank for the best that is given to him?

What people expect from life, they cannot have without love. Love is the alchemical stone. It is the Love that opens all doors.

So, if you want to stand up, to achieve your desires: Put love as the basis of your life.

Love is long-suffering, does not envy, does not seek its own, is not irritated, etc.

Some people want to acquire these qualities of life without love. It is impossible.

First of all, one must place Love as the basis of one's life. Love must flow into life as a great condition, and then Life will come with all its qualities that we want to develop in ourselves.

Then and only then everything in our lives will go  easily, normally and without contradictions.

Choose wisely ...

Choose Love!

The few right thoughts of  the Master Beinsa Duno  translated  and edited ...with Love  by A.A

Stob, Bulgaria 

Art works by Paulina Jones - Norfolk Art - Energy Healer and Artist 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The forgoten secrets of life

 One of the greatest shortcomings of humanity is to forget - individually,collectively, historically and culturally we seem to be cursed to forget.

We have forgotten our past 

The place in the present and the responsibility for the future.
On a personal level our ego-possessed consciousness is on a mission to keep us in a state of oblivion.
Collectively, humanity has deviated from its path unconsciously pursuing an inauthentic lifestyle with a materialistic mindset but we can all remember again and connect with the universe as a whole.This power is what leads us on our spiritual path to rediscover ourselves - or in a nutshell - to remember what we have forgotten or what we need to remember.
The place in Nature
In the last few centuries we have become more and more distant from nature, we exploit it, destroy it and try to control it to satisfy our greed.
We try to distance ourselves from the natural cycle of life.We have forgotten how to hear and understand the natural rhythm and cycle of the Earth - its signs and language. With the separation from nature we have forgotten that we are originally connected on a deep level with the eternal cycle of the universe and how the whole consciousness is intertwined and connected in a delicate and mysterious way.
We have forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors. In the search for scientific knowledge we have forgotten the wisdom of the heart. We have forgotten the stories and folklore handed down by the sages of antiquity, who lived in harmony with nature.

The way and the dreams

By deviating from our natural way we have forgotten how to dream about the wonderful dream called life. We have forgotten how to wake up in this dream and realize that we are its creators.
The goal
With too much chatter, noise and things that distract us we have forgotten why we are here. We have forgotten our goal. We have lost our authenticity - this inner spark that gives us the will to build our happiness and self-realization.
After believing that we are different, separated, divided from everyone and from everything we forgot to forgive, we forgot that we all move in one dynamic network called life.
Remind to self one thing every day. You are born to be free. We are born and raised in an atmosphere and environment, in a reality in which freedom is only a concept. We are in the shackles of fear, false ideologies, material rewards, and the rules of those who guard the interests of a few.
The real power

Fear is to make us forget what power we have. we have forgotten the great power of will and our ability to create and change realities.We are in a trance. We follow the instructions and it is now a time to change.
The lessons of history.
If there is one thing that history teaches it is how quickly we have forgotten the lessons we have learned. We repeat the same mistakes over and over again and we cannot be blamed individually for the mistakes of humanity but we as individuals have a responsibility to make sure they don't happen again.
Human life is becoming more complex and confused, we are blinded by the brilliance of the "more" and not by the power of the "less".
Life is really simple. To get rid of all things and ideas that have no real value and stop our eyes on our true purpose.
The Trust, Faith and humiliation of the world.
We have lost the magic and curiosity in ourselves. We have forgotten what it is like to be amazed by the miracle called life. Skepticism and cynical views have wiped the faith in ourselves and in the magic of the universe.We have forgotten how to believe- this is perhaps the greatest tragedy. It weakens the spirit and robs the soul.
Let's remember again how good it is to be human.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein


Stob, Bulgaria

It is all about that ... Meaning

 "He who has a WHY to live can go through almost any HOW." Nietzsche In addition to faith, thought and will, there is a powerful d...