Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Orenda Path to Everything - Baba Marta and the alchemy of ...


The Moirs sing along with the Sirens, spinning spindles: Lachesis (past), Clotho (present), Anthropos (future). Thus, they determine the life of each person with the help of a thread, which one yarn, the other - winds and the third - cuts...

March is here and so is the old Bulgarian tradition of Martenitsi and our old Grandma Martha :) 

 Baba Marta is the main figure in whose honor we make martenitsas. Let me tell you more about this old alchemy of the ancient Bulgarian Martenitsi tradition that is still alive and honoured every year in March. Baba Marta is obviously associated with the 3 moirs…Like all moon goddesses, she winds the threads, cuts them and shapes the image of the martenitsa. 
The symbolism of the Moirs is related to destiny -  which has a beginning but also an end.
 From this point of view, Grandma Martha brings not only life and a new beginning, but also death. Moreover, we can assume that white and red are the colors with which she expresses herself as a goddess who rules over death and life.

An important feature of the martenitsa is that the white and red thread are spun to the right. 
The profound research of  Ph.D  Krassimira Baychinska states : " The martenitsa thread is always twisted, because an inverted thread is not a martenitsa. For the Bulgarians, as well as for the Indo-Europeans, as well as for a number of other nations, the right side is positive. From here comes "right, right, right, dexter" - right, right, fair. Sinister (left, in Latin) means left, clumsy, unfavorable. The right side is honorable, the right direction is correct.
The symbolism of the main colors of the martenitsa."
The most basic martenitsa consists of two twisted threads - white and red, wool or cotton, maybe even silk.

The colour - white  is the shroud of the dead, it is no coincidence that the wooden coffin is lined with white cloth, which emphasizes the innocence of life, but also its end, death. The bride's dress is white, and the groom is necessarily adorned with a white flower. The diapers of the newborn are usually white. White can also be at the beginning of colors, as a symbol of the beginning of family life.
In contrast to white, red is associated with the life-affirming beginning, the beginning of the day, the new life, the new day. The color red is a symbol of blood and symbolizes initiation in both men and women. Red is a symbol of circulating blood, which is a condition for life. Red is also the color of fire. Red is the color of the sun and encourages action. It is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination, as well as passion, desire and love. Red can have either a positive or negative meaning. This color is associated with a spectrum of conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and war. Red is Cupid and the Devil. Red is eye-catching, mysterious and stimulating. We should also note that white and red are very important colors in alchemy. 

"The process of alchemical work is a transformation of black primary matter, which produces white mercury and red sulfur, the combination of which leads to the appearance of gold or the Philosopher's Stone… In alchemy, white and red are a pair of colors that also express the union of the Sun and The moon."

 For example, Jung wrote: "White and red are alchemical colors, red means the sun and white means the moon." (Jung, vol. 13: 339) The moon and the sun are the two brightest natural images, embodying the masculine and feminine. In alchemy we also find the white and red roses, which symbolize the union of water and fire (Jung 2001: 127).Therefore, we should know that the martenitsa activates in us not only the need to return to our original integrity, but also our need for development aimed at achieving a new integrity at a higher level. Through the spiral movement of the double spiral, the martenitsa suggests that we can and should renew ourselves cyclically and annually, both on a cosmic and terrestrial level...

I hope the old magic of  the core  spirit/energy renewal to be of a good use to all in the unfolding year  :) 

   Love lives, Wisdom shines, And Truth delivers the future times.


Stob, Bulgaria 

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