Monday, March 22, 2021

Help yourself - few tips will free you from paying psychotherapists

  Have you ever been questioning whether you really have the actual need to turn to a psychotherapist or it is just a fashion? Is it all in your hands and  do you have exactly what you need to deal with your own thoughts, emotions, behaviour and to navigate your own life in the right for you direction?  It has become a"modern lifestyle" to have the need to approach an expert for a treatment. 

And the mental health became a product that we must buy by visiting a psychotherapist-   the modern lifestyle insists.


Research shows that psychotherapists in Switzerland receive the highest salary in their field - an average of 88 304 dollars a year. The recommendations that you will receive from these expensive specialists do not differ much from the ones that almost every psychotherapist will give you. 

Germany - average  annual salary of a psychotherapist is 28 000  Euro .

UK - The average annual  salary for a Psychotherapist is £ 44 300 ; in Canada it is between 60 000 -70 000 $ ; in Australia around 62 000 AU$ ;

 Russia ;  from 83 900 RUB (lowest) to 260 000 RUB(highest) monthly salary.

Overall good earnings, amazing statistics. 

And if you ask someone who has just left a psychotherapist's office what they have learned, you will hear one of the following answers. And this is not because people simply do not have these problems, but because the answers are simply universal for most people. 

Why pay a lot of money if you can find the answers you need yourself?

Many of your problems come from your childhood

How did your parents behave when you were little? What were their motives? There are so many theories that explain why our problems come from our childhood. If you can understand why your parents did this or that in a certain situation, you will be able to forgive them and take a huge step towards accepting yourself as you are.

Most problems only exist in your head

The inner dialogue you have with yourself : "I had to answer differently" or "He did it because ..." is absolutely useless. We can't explain other people's actions - they grew up in a different atmosphere, they had their own experiences that are different from yours. Therefore, when you try to understand the reasons for someone else to act in one way or another, you are faced with the problems that you are actually creating yourself.

Talk more about your feelings, don't judge others

"I suffer because it caused me this."

"What have I done?"   How to avoid evaluating a situation? 

When you accuse someone of something, he or she usually tries to defend himself or herself. However, if you express your feelings, you will give the other person a chance to correct what he has done, to preserve his dignity and to explain his position.

You need to care more about your own life and not how the life of the others looks like.

It is not healthy to compare yourself with others all the time. Everyone has their own knowledge. Their own lifestyle, interests, finances, their own physical shape and personal qualities, desires and achievements.

 If you are inspired by someone's ideas, that's great - you shape your own desires and goals. But if you constantly envy the other's life ( or just the way their life looks from outside) you are destroying your personal being, which you should enjoy. 

Set your own boundaries and don't let others cross them.

In most of the cases, people who visit psychologists or psychotherapists try to find a solution to a problem that has arisen when interacting with other people.

Example:  Their mother-in-law always annoys them, their boss is angry, and so on. 

The simple way is to set clear boundaries. If you tolerate someone's bad treatment and accept it nothing will change.

 If you decide to set your own rules and boundaries, the person in front of you will have no other option but to start to respect you as well as your decisions or to leave. 

Take a small step towards each other every day

A habit is formed after 20 days and is "programmed" in your mind for 20 days.

 Psychologists recommend that you always take a step towards each other. This means that if you can't say "thank you" to someone, your friend for example, write down all his good deeds for each day. After thanking him for the little gestures, you will realize that he/she is not so bad.

Be more careful and gentle with the changes you make or you try to make.

When you try to change something, don't overdo it.

 If you have some family problems and know how to improve the situation, do it yourself. You have a choice, of course - you can change yourself and end it all, or force your loved ones to do what you want and help you maintain an unstable atmosphere. The choice is up to you.You have to be willing to accept defeat and accept that you cannot achieve everything. Don't think again and again and don't think that the time you spend at work is wasted.

 Sit down and analyze the specific situation and very soon you will choose the right direction and step forward boldly.

Avoid torturing thoughts about yourself and treat yourself as a good friend.

You will grow the ability to accept the fact that it is equally possible to lose as it is to win and come to terms with the fact that you have no control over everything. It is not absolutely necessary to control it all.

 Don't think about a situation over and over again.

 The time you have invested in a situation  has not been wasted as you learned good lessons from your own mistakes or the mistakes of the people involved. Only then will you be able to take your own right path again.

And a little wisdom goes long way it may give you exactly what you need now : 

                                                                                         My Bird, by Kalina Pavlova ; age 13 

A man managed to catch a bird with his bare hands and wanted to take it home, to cook it and eat it with his children. But to his surprise, the bird spoke.

"Sir, you've eaten so much cow and sheep in your life." Do you think that meat from my little body can satisfy your hunger? Release me, and in return I will give you three wise pieces of advice.                   

The man preferred to hear the wisdom of the bird and therefore released it.

The bird flew to the opposite tree and said its first piece of advice: 

Don't believe absurd promises, no matter what they tell you, even talking birds.

Then the bird flew to the roof of the nearest house and from there said its third piece of advice: 

Do not regret the wasted chance. Under my wing is the biggest pearl in the world and with it you and your children would live richly until the end of your days.When he heard this, the man cried like a small child, and the bird turned to him again.

"I told you not to regret the wasted chance and not to believe absurd promises." Do you think my little body can guard the biggest pearl in the world

My third piece of advice is to always learn from your personal experience, not from the words of others.



A.A  Stob, Bulgaria

Information vs. Knowledge

 If  Life was a puzzle and we all played it...all of us having quite different segments of the puzzle of Life and we added them to make the whole picture of Life beautiful?...

We all have a knowledge of some kind?  We are all born with some of it and the rest ( strictly individually) we aquire during our lifetime.

Some people gain more knowledge, some less and it is optional what do we do with this knowledge.

There is an infinite knowledge in the Universe and it is absolutely certain that we could not aquire all of this knowledge in one lifetime. 

What we could do in a lifetime though is; expand a certain knowledge to a comfortable level and use it kindly in a good favour not only to ourselves but to the people around us.

 What could we do with the knowledge we come across with ? Sharing is Caring... The natural law is to share :  

1. Pass our knowledge freely to all those we come in contact with, who are interested in growing their knowledge by adding the knowledge we freely share with them. 

2. Aquire knowledge.

 Meanwhile we gain some of the knowledge from the people we get in contact with, that they give to us freely to add to the puzzle of Life and complete the beautiful picture of Life. 

In a world so diversed, so colourful but sometimes so absurd, we all have The free will of gaining and giving the knowledge that we come across with and the one we humbly aquired.  And in this whole process we are not alone.  

There is always someone around us who can give some grain of knowledge to us and always someone who can aquire a grain of  knowledge from us.

 This is how the puzzle of Life is designed.

 This is the Nature of Life.

 This is how we grow.  

What we need to remember in this everlasting exchange - to give just enough and to take just enough because sometimes by exceeding our ability to give or to take ( knowledge) leads us  to some surprising outcomes. 

To avoid unpleasant outcomes or outcomes with no positive effect on us and the people around us we all need to develop the ability to distinguish the passing information from the true knowledge and make sure we understand this :

" Too much information equals Zero information ".

 This too applies to the knowledge we want to aquire or the knowledge we want to freely share (give). 

Remember Prometheus? - the Titan God of Fire  who wanted to improve the life of Men and gave them the Fire.

 It was his divine choice of giving his knowledge to those who were not yet ready to receive it. In return he was punished by the Gods. 

For the puzzle of Life to become a divine work of  the mankind, content and complete, we also need to aquire the knowledge of how to balance these few things:  what and how much are we able to give and to whom  and what and how much are we able to recieve and from who and this is also a very important detail in the puzzle of Life.

Every time we are in exchange of endless details of Life  and its Knowledge.

Do we ask ourselves, what is our capacity of taking and giving and most importantly: 

Is this a True Knowledge I aquire? Is this a True Knowledge I pass on to the others? How much True knowledge I can aquire and how much i can give freely?  

Is my knowledge of a greater service of mankind?

The information itself is but a "broken" piece of the puzzle of  Life and if we want to add a whole and useful piece to the puzzle, we most certainly need to aim always the True Knowledge - the one which is adding understanding, sensible growth and love to all.

 Both ways - giving and receiving - just enough.

" We have more information then we have skills to turn it into Useful Knowledge " Mark Rolston

A.A  Stob, Bulgaria 


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spring Equinox casually

 I love you, Life!

Such simple and casual.
( Almost perfect from each point of view)

I love you Life 
and let me share a story ,
that happened just now
and just before the Spring.

The roosters are crowing,
the little crooked log is
cracking in tact and in tact , tact...
 the Fire is singing and singing, and singing...
 a melody of Hope and Spring of the Heart...

And the dogs curled up so sleepy and quiet 
dream of their own Upcoming spring

 the waterspout changes the tact ...( not the fire)

 of  the music ;
it  rains...

The tender drops...
 scattered on the  rough stones 
like Silver ...  they shine,
and  the early apple with the young pink blossom
 hugs the little drops so kind...

 - the perfect spring is now
the sparrows are whistling
and the clock hands don`t hurry 
ahead and ahead...

I love you, Life!
Such - slow and convincing , pre-springish 
and  hard from outside...
With lilacs, primroses and good or...
( and gold) 
And veiled in the spring sacraments...

For them and for you -
I know - a new one was born -
  New day and New God,
and after the rains
  the rainbows will sing 
for the birth 
of them all.
New day and New God 
and New Love from above.


Welcome the Spring in you 

A.A  Stob, Bulgaria 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Miracle of Life goes on

 My winter writings are almost over.

The Spring is knocking on the door

The life is changing fast it`s cover

In green and sunshine, more and more.

Out there the sky is getting brighter

Awaiting for a swallow's nest

The Sun is smiling at its springish chapter

To welcome every new green guest .

My winter writings, they no longer 

consist of Fire , cold and ice

Now all the tulips dance in wonder

And the color gold reflects my face.

“But flowers cannot dance?” -

cried little Ida.

“Indeed they can”, replied my fairy Spring.

On Monday all the land will wake up greener 

And all the people will awake ... and sing.

Let`s welcome our Spring Hosanna

The Golden Light of  endless Love 

Breath in - the everlasting Prana

And Nature`s kindness from above …

And when the first most gentle cherry blossom

opens its petals for a tempting hug

and when the first brave little bee caress him (God)

You know - the miracle of life goes on...


With love - To our Spring solstice on 20th March 2021 

Adart wisdom&heart


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Water of Life

Once upon a time... there was a King. 
He had three sons. One was married, the other engaged, the third unmarried. 
When the King felt his power was leaving him he called his sons and said to them:

- I have heard that in a distant land, in the realm of a wonderful beauty, living water springs.
 If anyone washes himself of this water, if he is young, he does not grow old; if he is old, he will rejuvenate; if he is sick, he will recover. Whoever of you brings me living water will reign in my place...

The three sons went in search of living water...

Many legends tell of the magic power of the living water. The Water of Life
And there is truth in all of them that is almost forgoten. 

Once upon a time... ( not long time ago) when up the mountain for my daily walk with my local village friend, he said:  get the bottles and fill them from the living water spring, it is the best living water here. 
Wow, it has been since my childhood no one ever said a thing about the living water and I no longer read fairy tales, at least not often. 

We all know how important is to drink water.
 Water is life ...average 60% in our bodies is water... 
And I kneeled before the spring and filled my bottle with the living water and drank to the bottom of the bottle...just in one go. 
My friend was laughing at me: You drink like you`ve never drank mountain water before, he said .  
Yes, it is sweet. It is mild and sweet;  He was laughing even harder:  of course it is, he said .
It is fresh from the spring and the water here is soft, much softer then the other you have in the town. Here every water tastes different, he said. 

But where does the tap water come from?   
 Not from this spring? From the other springs in the mountain? The curiosity took over and the decision was made: Explore the mountain springs and the water around.
 And what is the amazement when we tasted the water from more then 10 springs in the same mountain and each water had different taste ? And the water from each spring had a different feeling inside. 
One was light, another leaving a heavier feeling but all of them had different sweetness and richness. 
I never reflected on the greatness of the water before. Have you?
Every water has different properties and different mineral content therefore is absolutely natural to have different taste and feel when we drink. And when we drink the living water the feeling is of Life bubbling inside the body and it quenches the thirst so quick. 
But we can not have it fresh from the spring unless we kneel and drink from the spring ...drink Life.

Did you know there is a Dead Water too? 

We have heard that water is essential for health. But why is this so? In addition to making up the majority of our body weight, water is involved in many important functions, such as regulating body temperature, helping our brain function and regulating metabolism. We take water in the form of liquids, but food also contributes a small amount to our daily water intake. That is why it is important to know more about the water we drink.

What do we need to know about the water we drink?

We usually take water from our water supply system or provide it by filtering it with different water filters. But drinking tap water carries many risks, unless it is filtered - then it is even better than bottled.

Tap water is safe in many places, but that doesn't mean it's everywhere. The risks posed by tap water are not small. In fact, depending on where you live, you can take in a lot of bacteria, chemicals and debris that float in the water system along with the water you drink.

Why do we need to drink enough water a day?
Here are some reasons why our body needs water:
1. Water forms saliva

Saliva helps us digest food and keep our mouth, nose and eyes moist. Drinking water also keeps our mouths clean. Consuming water instead of sugary drinks can reduce the development of tooth decay.

2. Water delivers oxygen throughout our body

Blood is more than 90% water, and blood carries oxygen to various parts of the body.

3. Water improves our skin

With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin conditions and premature wrinkles.

4. Water helps the brain work better

Dehydration can affect the structure and function of the brain. Water is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.

5. Regulates body temperature

The water contained in the middle layers of the skin comes out on the surface of the skin like sweat when the body heats up. When it evaporates, respectively - it cools the body.

Now that we know all this , we have to know - yes - there is a Dead water too....

Dead water
It has a characteristic slightly sour taste and smell, has a strong disinfectant effect. Acidic water also has the ability to slow down biological processes, which is why its property is used to lower blood pressure, improve sleep, calm the nervous system.

Living water
It is odorless, very soft and with an alkaline taste. Unlike dead water, living water has the ability to accelerate processes in the body. It has a tonic effect, raises blood pressure, speeds up metabolism, increases appetite, improves concentration, strengthens the immune system, treats headaches.

How does polluted water affect the body?

Dirty water can make you sick - it's no secret and you probably already know that. But do you know what polluted water can actually cause you? Among the most common hazards of contaminated water are vomiting or diarrhea; sick stomach; skin rashes; cancer (some cancers such as leukemia can occur after drinking bad water for a long period of time); reproductive problems (some types of reproductive problems, such as infertility, can occur after drinking contaminated water for a long period of time). Nitrates in contaminated water can harm babies. What can contaminate water? When there are bacteria, nitrates, herbicides, etc. in the water, it is polluted.

Many people drink water from plastic bottles or filtered water but it is so easy and much more healthier to try this:

 How to make living water at home?

You can easily make living water at home. Put tap water in a container in the freezer for 4-5 hours. This will freeze the water. You will notice that only part of the water will freeze, not all. The one that is not frozen - throw it away. The rest of the water is living water.

Taste it, feel it and don`t forget to thank the Water for the Life that it gives to us ...

Stob Bulgaria

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Forgive me I forgive you ...

   Seven is the number of God and his word of completion ( not only eastern ortodox beliefs)

And Seven weeks before Easter is the Forgiveness week ( Prosh-ki - Прошки ) 

Seven weeks each with seven days, fourthy nine days before Easter is the time of the year when Bulgarians say - Forgive me and I forgive you. Everyone asks everyone to forgive his or her misdeeds over the passed year in the week of the Forgiveness ( each year the date varies but the Prosh-ki day is always on a Sunday 49 days before Easter)  

The Sunday which is also called Sirni Zagovezni  ( Сирни Заговезни)- the name refers to the fact that one is alowed to eat milk , cheese, eggs, butter and is the last day when animal products are still alowed  on the table before the most strict 40 days Easter Fast starts.  

The rite is centered in families and communities, in which people ask their elders, including parents , elder relatives, neighbours, superiors, even ancestors - to absolve whatever they have done wrong, even if they do not know it or did not intend it. It is believed that the year ahead will be healthy and abundant if everyone is forgiven. In some parts of the country the forgiveness day is also associated with the manifestly old Bulgarian pagan second  KUKERI dance , in which men dressed like  demons try to chase evil spirits away ( the first KUKERI dance is in januari - SURVA ) In other parts big fires are lit to chase the evil spirits away and the young boys have to jump over the fires to overcome their fears and doubts and to come on the other side braver and with fire enriched spirit. 

Interesting fact is the preparation of the body and the spirit for the upcoming Spring equinox and Easter. After Prosh-ki day there are 9 days preparation and The 40 days Easter Fast (absolutely strict plant based diet and only water or herbal tea alowed) - the body deep cleanse (detox) is humbly done and on the Easter day (the eastern Egg coloured in red represents the pure new life is reborn)  one is alowed to include animal products again as the seasonal shift is completed .  

 Like a great body and spirit Re-start. "Kind-a-Christ Resurrection" in mind, body and spirit. 

The Forgiveness precedes the Cleansing for the "Resurection"of the body and the Spirit; in other simple words - Forgive me, forgive you - is the releasing of all the disapointments, fears and doubts- the mind,heart and thought cleansing before the cleansing and rejuvination of the body (40 days ) to reach the re-start of every cell in the body and step higher in Spirit for the new season ahead. The tradition is known since 7th-8 th century and kept alive until today in every family and neighborhood. And it goes every spring just 7 weeks before Easter for nearly 14 centuries.

It is a rite of - courage and dignity to ask forgiveness and it is a great relief before the great spring restart every year. 

Forgive me !

 I Forgive you ! 

And we open our hearts for rejuvination.

 “To err is human, to forgive, divine.”

Alexander Pope


Stob, Bulgaria



Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Orenda Path to Everything - Baba Marta and the alchemy of ...


The Moirs sing along with the Sirens, spinning spindles: Lachesis (past), Clotho (present), Anthropos (future). Thus, they determine the life of each person with the help of a thread, which one yarn, the other - winds and the third - cuts...

March is here and so is the old Bulgarian tradition of Martenitsi and our old Grandma Martha :) 

 Baba Marta is the main figure in whose honor we make martenitsas. Let me tell you more about this old alchemy of the ancient Bulgarian Martenitsi tradition that is still alive and honoured every year in March. Baba Marta is obviously associated with the 3 moirs…Like all moon goddesses, she winds the threads, cuts them and shapes the image of the martenitsa. 
The symbolism of the Moirs is related to destiny -  which has a beginning but also an end.
 From this point of view, Grandma Martha brings not only life and a new beginning, but also death. Moreover, we can assume that white and red are the colors with which she expresses herself as a goddess who rules over death and life.

An important feature of the martenitsa is that the white and red thread are spun to the right. 
The profound research of  Ph.D  Krassimira Baychinska states : " The martenitsa thread is always twisted, because an inverted thread is not a martenitsa. For the Bulgarians, as well as for the Indo-Europeans, as well as for a number of other nations, the right side is positive. From here comes "right, right, right, dexter" - right, right, fair. Sinister (left, in Latin) means left, clumsy, unfavorable. The right side is honorable, the right direction is correct.
The symbolism of the main colors of the martenitsa."
The most basic martenitsa consists of two twisted threads - white and red, wool or cotton, maybe even silk.

The colour - white  is the shroud of the dead, it is no coincidence that the wooden coffin is lined with white cloth, which emphasizes the innocence of life, but also its end, death. The bride's dress is white, and the groom is necessarily adorned with a white flower. The diapers of the newborn are usually white. White can also be at the beginning of colors, as a symbol of the beginning of family life.
In contrast to white, red is associated with the life-affirming beginning, the beginning of the day, the new life, the new day. The color red is a symbol of blood and symbolizes initiation in both men and women. Red is a symbol of circulating blood, which is a condition for life. Red is also the color of fire. Red is the color of the sun and encourages action. It is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination, as well as passion, desire and love. Red can have either a positive or negative meaning. This color is associated with a spectrum of conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and war. Red is Cupid and the Devil. Red is eye-catching, mysterious and stimulating. We should also note that white and red are very important colors in alchemy. 

"The process of alchemical work is a transformation of black primary matter, which produces white mercury and red sulfur, the combination of which leads to the appearance of gold or the Philosopher's Stone… In alchemy, white and red are a pair of colors that also express the union of the Sun and The moon."

 For example, Jung wrote: "White and red are alchemical colors, red means the sun and white means the moon." (Jung, vol. 13: 339) The moon and the sun are the two brightest natural images, embodying the masculine and feminine. In alchemy we also find the white and red roses, which symbolize the union of water and fire (Jung 2001: 127).Therefore, we should know that the martenitsa activates in us not only the need to return to our original integrity, but also our need for development aimed at achieving a new integrity at a higher level. Through the spiral movement of the double spiral, the martenitsa suggests that we can and should renew ourselves cyclically and annually, both on a cosmic and terrestrial level...

I hope the old magic of  the core  spirit/energy renewal to be of a good use to all in the unfolding year  :) 

   Love lives, Wisdom shines, And Truth delivers the future times.


Stob, Bulgaria 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A bone to the dog is not charity

 One Moon long and two hours in the evening Buddha and the ‘orange’ Dog were together, in which they deepened the ‘Individual’. ….

 Let me give you a brief on my own story which is probably someone elses story too ...

Once upon a time ….no, it was sooner...

The day I decided I am ready to welcome a friend.

A dog as a friend and how Mason the Great entered my life: Mason is a German shepherd dog - he actually failed at the police exams to be a working police dog and when I think back he never wanted in fact to be a police dog chasing the bad guys…. despite the fact that he had all the police training which helped us a lot when I recall our first days. 

We first met at the police kennels in Cardiff and even knowing this was our first encounter, he did not mind walking alone with me and showing me around.

Clearly an honest and respectful exchange. From that moment on our journey began. And it is still going on 11 years later...

My story here is about the transformation; about the love and devotion and about why we do not have to try and go against the nature of things  but flow together with it . 

 Mason is my german shepherd Friend - now almost 12 years old - oldie and wisey and the most loyal person I have ever met. For some of you this may sound silly or soapy but to all who know and live with a dog my story would/could sound familiar. 

Yes, Dogs have incredibly vivid personalities. ( all that share their lives with dogs would agree- do you remember the White Fang and Jack London? :- )

Our story began in Cardiff ( Wales) then went through Cambridge UK and now continues in the small mountain rural village of Stob in Rila Mountain, Bulgaria near the highly energetic Pyramids of Stob( we can not stop the pack of Stob :)

 Our story is about love and nature and how we humans try to change the nature of things at all costs only to find out that the Nature of all things has own ways and all we have to do is to follow the ways, not go against them nor trying to change them but to observe, learn and accept them and then all comes to a place of balance, contentment,understanding and joy. 

Mason - at first he was afraid of sudden changes - no more kennels life, no more training, other dogs, no more Paul - his closest friend but….. Me and a vast Cambridge field and a new life in a house - a completely unknown environment, sudden and different and if you do a small research about the dogs you will understand  how much they are connected with their routine and how much any change makes them feel insecure and cautious and forms their new behaviour patterns .

 For him - the change was scary as much as it was for me - this is where we first bonded . He did a few Bad things - he attacked chickens, dogs … ( omg) - he had won himself the name - Mason the killer . 

I even remember getting a muzzle and my partner calling a dog-psychologist to deal with Masons “problems”.

 - Yes... Mason has won the name of a problematic dog and strangely ( or not in fact) my all being was against this label "Mason the killer dog" as I already could feel Mason`s soul and he mine .

I started reading more -  I have found that the dogs are actually much more sensitive than people think they are. So I decided to rebel together with him when he decides to take an action - means I chose to believe in him for his actions (despite some of his actions were unacceptable in the human world and people's views on how a pet should behave)  Yes, it costs a lot - but believe me it is worth it if you want to have a friend on your side and not only a pet. 

And yes we even had a fight once  - he bited and so did I - and that moment we became a pack and I became the leader ( I will tell you more about forming a pack next time when I introduce Barita - a cross breed female who came later in my dog-life story teaching us all the new emotions of dogs trust,motherhood,patience and love )  .

 When I say that I became the leader it does not mean that when he is alone he is not making his own decisions. By all means exactly the opposite - when I am not around he is making the best decisions and takes the best actions  to protect the place I left for him to be responsible for. . When I am around - he is absolutely aware that he does not have to make the decisions ( unless I ask him to )  as I will be the decision maker and he  the one that trusts my decision and so... this is how it works in Nature  - a team, a pack  - trust and respect , leadership and support. 

Now a very curious observation  in the teachings of the humble  Eastern Ortodox philosopher - Petar Danov or known in the Western World as the founder of the White Brotherhood with the name - Beinsa Duno … Beinsa Duno made a very interesting observation about the animal and human worlds and all Nature connections . He pointed to how we as humans can improve our lives and behaviours by observing and studying the animal world. 

” From the dogs we can learn how deep our  individuality could be, how a team works, how important trust is and above all love and loyalty are the main driving forces in the life of a dog” - 

What a human can learn from this?

 I leave the answer to you alone.  

Meanwhile; remember , #lifeisart , #live in cooperation with Nature and make friends with all ( who and what ) we share our lives with.

“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.” Jack London


Stob Bulgaria

It is all about that ... Meaning

 "He who has a WHY to live can go through almost any HOW." Nietzsche In addition to faith, thought and will, there is a powerful d...