Wednesday, February 24, 2021

We - the Unique or the wisdom of Nature vs the human significance

 We - the unique :

We don`t try to get noticed - we just happen to be so good  to get noticed...

We don`t try to impress - we just happen to be so witty to impress...

We don`t want to get known - our unique qualities  just happen to get us known by so many ...

How many people try to climb to a place named "Success" ( whatever the meaning of success) and how many live beyond their life time?  ... the world is small and the fame lurks on all sides...

What amazes most in our days is the individual self assurance of unique worth - in other words;  The self statement of supperiority that leads to more or less feeling of  "I tolerate" everything else that is "less" than I am because I am the educated one and it is in my power to "be tolerant".

Very old wisdom reminds us: "Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter. " 

The wisdom does not say nor mean that the hunter posesses very special unique qualities much more worthy in comparison to those of the Lion. It is just the ability to write ... Another old wisdom advises- "the higher you stand - the humbler you would be" and it is true.

 Albert  Einstein left  for us a very profound formula equation:

 "The bigger the Knowledge- the lesser the Ego; the  lesser the Knowledge - the bigger the Ego"- this is absolutely correct when it comes to our expressions of self-worth, self-importance and self-significance.

It is spring time. Have you ever observed the swallows? If not - by all means you have to.

They fly over half of the planet twice a year. Once they reach the land they aim to settle on- they sing. Then they start building their "seasonal" home ( do own research on this one if you want) Then they have their little ones and from morning untill the sun sets they spend their time teaching the little ones everything they know about flying, building homes, all about the food supply and they never stop singing.

 But  none of them tap themselves on the wings for doing so. It is not something they will praise as unique and superior among their kind. Seems they have the humility that we - humans lack. If we observe more of their actions perhaps we will reach the understanding that whatever we do as long as it is of a good use to the whole it does not necessary have to be unique or worth a praise. We often chase the "feel better" in/for ourselves because of the recognition of the others and once we have it - we grow up to the sky our self-made significance and  lower our real and true preception of everything and everyone around us. Perhaps it is how we are designed in a first place. But every design is a subject to change. It is unique and own free will to change our own design not into growing  of the feeling of our own imaginary significance but in the humble understanding that we do what we do according to what our abilities and knowledge let us do and it is not anything special in comparison to what every single spieces on the planet does. 

As for our future there are many unknowns and uncertainties that could be holding more lessons for us of  how to learn back what we have lost through our obsession with our own human intelligence and uniqueness. 

There are definitely times approaching when Einstein words " I Can means much more than the IQ " will apply on a daily basis, when our Mother Nature will apply her universal laws and where the human significance meaning will be the new subject of change.  

Let us be prepared to face these days with grace and wisdom from the past and present and instead of the feeling of significance let us grow the feeling of belonging to the whole.



Stob, Bulgaria

Friday, February 19, 2021

Make each other up (part 2)

 To feel important is one of the best feelings, is it not? 

It makes our hearts jump with joy of our own. It makes our confidence grow. It gives us the assurance that we and we alone have the unique strenghts and virtues that the others could not possibly have at the same moment .

 Think again. 

To have the self-assurance of the very own purpose. 

To have our work ( and ourselves too) recognised and praised -gets the "feeling important" moment to the surface of our being. 

"No one else could`ve done it the same way! It`s unique and it is the "My way" - is recognised , accepted and very often praised by the others .  A good feeling, is it not? 

To feel important is to reach the understanding that what we do has an important impact on the outcome of any situation not only for us but  for the ones related to us in one way or another at this very situation. 

Growing the feeling of being important is not always as we percieve it and as we see it though . We should stop and reflect from time to time.  The over-growth of this feeling could lead us in many different directions . One could be also a direction of separation from the others, instead of being praised for what we have achieved. There is a possibility for us to be recognised as over-confident,  narcisistic or having a big Ego which instead of growing healthy connections with the people could easily turn the opposite way  and place the question: how could we  "make each other Up "  ?

Where is the middle ground for the feeling of importance? - It lays in the kindness and the sense of being humble. 

Yes, it is good to know we are important and to accept ourselves as important people.

This acceptance greatly grows the feeling of responsibility but also the expectations of the others for and from us and our work. In this regard we should be very much aware of  how much self- importance we need to feel, to be feeling honestly and consistently good in ourselves and to make other people feel good about us and themselves too.  The balancing of the feeling of importance is a very personal thing.  Sometimes people have the need to feel more important, sometimes people get tired of feeling so important...

 Here I would refer to Kindness again. In the first case - remember; Everyone and everything is important - sometimes more, sometimes less. In the second case - remember ; Nothing is too important neither a person nor a job as nothing is forever important and this is what makes the life humble at times and keeps the good balance in the nature of all things.  

Feeling important for Oneself is very important for the personal well-being too but more important is how we balance this feeling to maintain our well-being and the well-being of the others.  Here I would refer to the acceptance and recognition of the feeling of importance of the people around us and how they deal with it.  The importance of the emotional intelligence in our behaviour and in handling  the  connections that we maintain throughout our life is greatly important too. 

To feel important is a basic human need and no matter of the proportions every person experiences this feeling  many times in a lifetime, in unique different ways and on unique different  levels. 

So imagine a world where the feeling of importance is balanced in a way that no single human being will think and act feeling more important or superior than another human being. 

Imagine a world where the importance of each one is recognised as a unique thing and appreciated as such - then we could openly and honestly say:

  Yes , we do live in a kind world and we are all important in so many different ways just as much as the world needs us to be. 


Stob, Bulgaria

Image by Francesco Ciccolella


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Kind a kind in a multicultural community - Make each other Up ( part 1 )


Speaking globally (in the new times of a forthcoming orders) the environment is changing rapidly, the demographics are changing rapidly and the necessity to adapt is increasing by days .

As a global  multicultural society the need to reflect all the shifts in our communities and lessen the inbalances which are quite imminent on the big picture of our global family. 

The need to develop reflective transformations in the perception and the understanding of the differences in our cultures is increasing. It is not just the languages, the traditions but the whole perceptions of the cultures in general as this is what will help us lessen the miscommunications and go forward to a positive multicultural environment. 

Every community basics consist of culture, ethics, morals and visions.

 What motivates a community on a small scale is - compassion and understanding - from there  the development of all different activities and goals is much more content and easy to get to. What we need to learn first of the basics and of  the understanding is the compassion and the acceptance that even if every person is completely different still we meet at the point of compassion . The first thing to be aware of is -  beneath every behaviour there is a feeling and beneath every feeling there is a need .

 If we develop the capacity to detect and distinguish the need, the path to understanding, acceptance and connections is not that long. 

What keeps a community strong ?

Few simple things - trust, reliability, compassion and common goals.

"Make each other Up"- a very profoundly described matter in the works of Anna Wierzbiska (1999) - who makes the suggestion that while all normal human beings have "feelings" - lexicalized in English language these " feelings" are not Universally Avaliable in the mental life of  all the people around the world . 

This is where the study of the connections between the culture and the psyche is absolutely essencial and necessary especially now in the times of global uncertainty and changing demographic waves.

" It is not a measure of health to be be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society " ( Jiddu Krishnamurti)

Don`t we all want to live a healthy life in a healthy environment, in a healthy society - land-wise, people-wise, climate-wise, food-wise? Part of the answers to these questions lies in the understanding and acceptance of everyone`s  religions , traditions, language and culture and these are the foundation bricks to building our future communities of contentment and wellbeing. 

Kindaglobalcommunity at heart ( part 1 )

Lets Make Each Other Up 


Stob, Bulgaria

Friday, February 12, 2021

                                                      The Lexicon Notebook of Kindness 

Do you remember that time when almost every child had that special notebook- the Lexicon with all (the most important) questions on the first page that every child had to answer from heart. It was a great week- the one to keep the Lexicon notebook and ponder on the very own answers and answer from heart the "general" questions like - Your full name?  Your age? Your family members?; brothers , sisters?

Best friends and why?

Favorite books and why?...

 Write your favourite quote :..

Your favorite song and why? -please write here the refrain...lalala

Your favourite film and artists....and why; favourite games...favourite season and why ?....Every question had - "and why?"; only to make sure we can get to the core of all the things.

And when we filled the pages with the answers,we had to say why:{ My favourite book is the " East of Eden" as it explains life at it`s very essence and ...} 

The child who would hold the Lexicon notebook will read the answers of the previous one and will get to know them much better- their likes and dislikes, their favs and hopes and ...and may even sing the refrain the next day to make them smile if they are feeling down. Surely may say a childish stupid joke about their brother who wronged them in the morning. 

Overall - the Lexicon notebook was like the notebook of the hearts 

We- the old times children, used to spend hours even days with the pages,

going deep in the mind and the soul of our friends. Feeling  them closer, understanding them better and supporting them when they need us. And so did they -for us.

The Lexicon pages were our sacred paper guide to the unconsidered natural kids kindness when we were never told how and why to be kind. We and we alone were finding our road to our kinder selves and the understanding of our friends personalities even for a life time. 

There was something beautiful in every handwriting; a little flower next to the letter R or a smiley face next to something stupid like " I like Ivette because she is smiling at me every morning when the school bell rings" .... or " M+R=Love 

If you never had a Lexicon notebook may be NOW is the time to make one.

 Call on all your friends and friends to be: surprise them with a smileand a page of questions

 Tadaaaaa !!!

The new Lexicon Notebook  ( forget about  the facebook) . No, dont ask me why. I just want to keep a page or two of You! You, that will not disappear if not backed up;  the keyboards do not hold the gentle curves, the feelings and the smiles of your handwriting.

 And I will understand you better even 50 years from now and remind you who you were when you wrote on the pages of the old Lexicon notebook.... and remind you of how our kindness was born .


Stob, Bulgaria 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Valentine and the daily bites of love

 Valentine and the daily bites of love

A Valentine's Day ? Why not every day ? Do we need this day as a
reminder of what every other day could be if the inner light of
everyone was on even on hard days? In the evenings the stones are cold
 so is with people . When there is inner light, people are soft, warm,
gentle and loving.When we lose that light we get cold and rough…There
is not a creature in the world that , as you love , does not love you
back . Try and experiment with animals and plants and check out this
simple law of love .I've tried with some “bad” dogs. Choose a dog,
love it. I pass by a bad dog feeling and spreading love, I pass by him
a second time- it knows me ; it does not bark at me this time . It
says : “I know you” - having the love passing him by  makes him

If you love people, they will love you.
There is no human who does not react positively to Love.
Tell someone a good word and do not think anymore.
 What he will do, whether he deserves the good word — you don’t need
to worry about this. This person was not born to understand you?! It
is important that you understand  and can help others. This is the
meaning and beauty of life.
Love is all around us, and the true vision of Valentine  was  that
Love gives birth to more love. Love between two people, as well as
love you spread around you and give to other people, animals, and
Love is the most important matter in life. Allow it to resolve all the
remaining issues, whatever their character is - personal, social,
family issues or universal matters. And do not just wait for the
second week in February to do it . Allow it to flow through you every
day of your conscious life and pass it onto every soul around you.
Love generates love.

February 2021

It is all about that ... Meaning

 "He who has a WHY to live can go through almost any HOW." Nietzsche In addition to faith, thought and will, there is a powerful d...